Hotuna, daga sama, na cibiyoyin man Kamfanin Shell, da kuma wuraren tace man fetur na haramun a kusa da Fatakwal, kudancin Najeriya, Maris 2013.

Managing director of Shell petroleum development company (SPDC) in Nigeria, Mutiu Sumonu, after an aerial tour of the company's facilities.

A view of the Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas company (NLNG) during an aerial tour by Royal Dutch Shell, in Bonny.

A ship berths near the Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas company (NLNG) near Finima village.

Illegal oil refinery near a flowstation at the Nembe trunk carriage line near Nigeria's oil hub city of Port Harcourt.

Illegal oil refinery near Awoba village during an aerial tour by the Royal Dutch Shell company, near Nigeria's oil hub city of Port Harcourt.

A view of the Nigeria Liquified Natural Gas Company (NLNG) near Finima village, in Bonny.